Chesapeake Robotics Operation
Core Areas of Expertise
Research and Development
Serve as a leader in R&D of high-performance and embedded computing techniques across the U.S. Department of Defense and within industry.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Flight Operations
Support flight demonstrations and other exercises, continental United States and outside the continental United States. To enable these activities, flight teams that possess FAA Part 61 and/or 107 Remote Pilot’s certificates with extensive Group 1–3 experience are maintained.
High-Performance Computing
Leverage the latest technologies to provide innovative solutions for today's toughest problems.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Encompass the concentric circles of AI, including advanced computer vision implementing deep neural networks.
Hardware and Software Development
Use the latest programming languages and development environments with the capability to design/manufacture a wide range of custom hardware solutions for cross-platform software development.
Systems Integration
Integrate multiple advanced technologies into system-level architectures to advance current state of the art, especially in regard to autonomous robotic systems.