On 28 March 2013, SURVICE dedicated the main conference room at its Aberdeen Area Operation to Don Mowrer, an aircraft survivability pioneer, long-time Government leader, and former SURVICE Vice President who passed away on 2 November 2012. During the dedication ceremony, which was attended by Don’s family members, friends, and former coworkers, SURVICE CEO Jeff Foulk unveiled two placards that will hang on the conference room’s walls. He also highlighted many of Don’s major accomplishments during his +50-year career in survivability. Most notably, Don helped to establish survivability as a formal engineering discipline, was a charter member of the Joint Technical Coordinating Group on Aircraft Survivability (JTCG/AS), and was an early visionary for the establishment of the Survivability/Vulnerability Information Analysis Center (SURVIAC) and the development of the Computation of Vulnerable Area Tool (COVART). In addition, the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) honored Don with its Lifetime Achievement Award in Combat Survivability in 1997.
The 100-person Donald W. Mowrer Memorial Conference Room will continue to be used by SURVICE employees and other Government and industry organizations for a wide variety of technical meetings and events. It is located adjacent to the Walter S. Thompson Memorial Library, which SURVICE posthumously dedicated to Don’s fellow survivability leader and long-time coworker Walt Thompson in June 2008.
To view the full bio of Donald W. Mowrer, click here.