What We Do

Our Focus Areas

SURVICE possesses a wide array of focus areas that complement our core business areas.

Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

SURVICE develops machine-learning solutions across multiple domains to provide innovative capabilities in image analysis, data-driven models and simulation, nonlinear prediction, estimation, and control.

Our customers require trust and accountability in every decision-making process, especially when human lives are at stake. As such, SURVICE specializes in developing ML solutions that are not only accurate but reliable and traceable.

One such example is the active development of graph neural networks (GNNs) for use in physics simulation codes. Such networks are state of the art in physics-informed ML models. Simulation predictions provided by these models are conditioned on, and constrained by, the laws of physics and can be traced back to high-resolution physical interactions.

A highly motivated team, rigorous research and development, and a unique adaptive culture allow SURVICE to provide robust, data-driven solutions for a wide variety of problems. SURVICE actively explores the cutting-edge of ML technology and will continually advance it to adapt to the everchanging technological landscape and growing needs of the U.S. Warfighter.


SURVICE is partnering with experts in academia and industry to leverage the high-strength, low-weight advantages of composite materials and integrate them on the battlefield and beyond.

As a long-time leader in composites research and development, SURVICE is partnering with experts in academia and industry to leverage the high-strength, low-weight advantages of composite materials and integrate these technologies across the battlefield and beyond, including electromagnetic shielding for electronic components, rotorcraft drive shafts, and combat vehicle flooring. 

High Energy Laser

High Energy Laser (HEL)

SURVICE develops laser modeling and simulation tools, conducts test and evaluation, and performs analyses of U.S. and adversary weapons systems.

SURVICE is working with our Government and Industry partners to advance capabilities for evaluating survivability and lethality effects of all laser classes that include low energy lasers (LEL) and HEL.

The following is a sampling of our HEL capabilities & services:

High-Performance Computing Center

High-Performance Computing (HPC) Center

Leveraging the latest technologies to provide innovative solutions for today's toughest problems.

SURVICE is a leader in the R&D of high-performance and embedded computing techniques for high-fidelity simulation and modeling, real-time data analysis, and unmanned autonomous systems projects across the DoD and within industry. As a result of our leadership in pushing high-performance graphics processing unit (GPU) computing into domains of interest to DoD organizations, our Applied Technology Operation (ATO) was accredited as an NVIDIA GPU Research Center in 2013. Our R&D work leverages high-performance massively parallel and heterogenous computing architectures, both large-scale and embedded, to enable the next generation of DoD applications.

The expertise at ATO encompasses core areas such as high-performance computing, embedded systems, modern ray tracing, machine learning, and computer vision. Our knowledge in these fields enable new—and better performing—mission-critical capabilities in physics-based simulation and modeling; in real-time data capture, processing, and analysis; and in next-generation unmanned autonomous systems. We actively pursue leading-edge R&D in all of these areas, and we continue to publish our research results whenever possible, to serve in various academic, industrial, and governmental communities, and to release selected projects into the open source community. These efforts broaden the impact of our high-performance and embedded computing technologies in areas of interest to the DoD and beyond.


SURVICE has recently added nuclear vulnerability and hardness assessments to our company’s suite of survivability and lethality capabilities.

SURVICE supports nuclear vulnerability and hardness assessments to our company’s suite of survivability and lethality capabilities. We assess overpressure, blast/pressure loading FEA, thermal attributes, sure safe assessments, system-level simulations, thermal radiation, and material failure.


SURVICE is supporting the development of analytical wargaming tools through software verification and validation as well as comparative concept evaluations.

As warfare becomes more complex and multidomain, the ability to adequately predict the outcome of conflicts becomes more challenging. SURVICE, in partnership with the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory and the University of Dayton Research Institute, is working to develop a validated, simulation-based, analytical wargaming tool.

The following is a sampling of our wargaming capabilities: