
General Services Administration (GSA)

Provide comprehensive, integrated professional services to government-wide customers. The program scope includes, but is not limited to, communication, compliance, defense, disaster, energy, environment, financial, health, intelligence, security, and transportation. This wide program scope is further complemented by six core disciplines/services:  program management, management consulting, scientific, engineering, financial, and logistic.

Cage Code:  7T988
DUNS #:  035414697
Link:  OASIS Website




(1000 Employee Size Standard)

OASIS SB MA-IDIQ Contract#: 

NAICS Code: 
NAICS Title: 
Research and Development in Biotechnology

NAICS Code: 
NAICS Title: 
Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Biotechnology)


(1250 Employee Size Standard)

OASIS SB MA-IDIQ Contract#: 

NAICS Code: 
NAICS Title: 
Research and Development in Aircraft Parts, and Auxiliary Equipment, and Aircraft Engine Parts


(1,500 Employees Business Size Standard)

OASIS SB MA-IDIQ Contract#: 

NAICS Code: 
NAICS Title: 
Research and Development in Aircraft



SURVICE provides a single source for a wide range of integrated and specialized engineering and computer science services to the DoD and system developers/manufacturers. With our extensive, in-house engineering, physics, mathematics, computer science, and technical writing resources, we are able to expand and supplement the breadth of our customers’ technical expertise. The core competencies that SURVICE has primarily used to support its customers—and that will be leveraged as needed to support the OASIS SB Project—include the following:

  • Systems Engineering – Supporting all phases of system research, development, testing, and evaluation.
  • Test and Evaluation – Assessing system design and operation through comprehensive, hands-on testing.
  • Modeling and Simulation – Simulating, predicting, and assessing real-world phenomena through advanced computer techniques.
  • Analysis – Understanding and using data paired with multiple analytical methods to form sound judgments and make useful recommendations.
  • Metrology – Employing state-of-the-art tools and methods to obtain high-accuracy measurements and models.
  • Applied Technology Solutions – Leveraging technologies and skills from across the company to understand customer needs and develop customized products and services.


Task Orders

Task Order Task Order# Contract# Period of Performance Government Customer
Survivability/lethality/vulnerability (SLV) methodology development and integration of related technologies with SLV analysis to assess U.S. military and foreign systems. W911NF-15-F-0004 GS00Q14OADS437 07/24/2015 - 05/31/2021 ARL/SLAD
SLV analysis of ground combat, aviation, munitions, and future-force systems and related technologies that protect and enhance the Soldier. W911NF-15-F-0036 GS00Q14OADS437 08/17/2015 - 02/16/2020 ARL/SLAD
Engineering support services, M&S analysis, test assessment, and engineering analysis to quantitatively assess the SLV of U.S. Army and DoD LFT&E programs. W911QX-15-F-0054 GS00Q14OADS437 09/30/2015 - 09/30/2019 ARL/SLAD
Chemical-biological research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E) to include document writing, editing, data collection, and reporting functions. W911S6-16-C-0003 GS00Q14OADS437 02/12/2016 - 11/09/2021 ATEC/WDTC
Providing non-lethal weapons (NLW) capabilities development and acquisition subject matter expertise. GSQ0617BN0006 GS00Q14OADS437 09/14/2017 - 09/13/2022 MARCORSYSCOM JNLWD
Providing a wide range of professional engineering support services, as well as subject matter expertise in survivability, lethality, and vulnerability testing. M67854-19-F-0010 GS00Q14OADS437 12/20/2018 - 03/19/2023 USMC PMO MHTV and PEO LS
SLV analysis of ground combat, aviation, munitions, and future-force systems and related technologies that protect and enhance the Soldier. W911QX-19-F0022 GS00Q14OADS437 02/18/2019 - 02/17/2023 SLAD/BVLD/GMB
M&S analysis, test assessment and engineering analysis to quantitatively assess the survivability, lethality, and vulnerability of U.S. Army and DoD LFT&E programs W911QX-19-F-0126 GS00Q14OADS437 09/30/2019 - 09/29/2023 DEVCOM DAC
Research and develop innovative ways, using state-of- the-art methods and software platforms, to support data analysis activities in support the Army’s Future Force Modernization Enterprise (FFME) W911QX-21-F-0162 GS00Q14OADS437 06/01/2021 - 05/31/2025 DEVCOM DAC
Provide SME and RDT&E services for the TECMIPT and CAPATs; CBRN PoRs; T&E Infrastructure Oversight and Management; and Database/Tools Development, Maintenance and Management. 47QFWA21F0032 GS00Q14OADS437 08/31/2021 - 08/20/2026 Deputy Undersecretary of the Army - Test and Evaluation (DUSA-TE)
Development, Security, and Operations (DevSecOps) expertise in support of the Weapon Effects Analysis and Probability Software (WEAPS) FA248722F0025 GS00Q14OADS437 11/05/2021 - 09/29/2026 Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Operational Weaponeering and Analysis Division (AFLCMC/EZW)
Research and develop survivability methods and data for use by the combat survivability community to evaluate and enhance aircraft survivability. 47QFLA21F0222 GS00Q14OADS437 09/30/2021 - 09/29/2026 Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E)
Survivability, vulnerability, and lethality (SVL) research, development, test, and evaluation support focused on armor/protection system development and analysis, as well as and demilitarization/site cleanup activities 47QFWA22F0010 GS00Q14OADS437 02/22/2022 - 02/21/2027 ATEC, Aberdeen Test Center (ATC)
Survivability, lethality, and vulnerability (SLV) analysis of ground combat, aviation, munitions, and future-force systems and related technologies that protect and enhance the soldier W911QX23F0031 GS00Q14OADS437 02/21/2023 - 02/20/2027 DEVCOM DAC
M&S analysis, test assessment and engineering analysis to quantitatively assess the survivability, lethality, and vulnerability of U.S. Army and DoD LFT&E programs W911QX23F0087 GS00Q14OADS437 09/30/2023 - 09/29/2027 DEVCOM DAC
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