Our History
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The story of SURVICE began in 1981 in the basement of the Maryland home of Nancy and Jim Foulk. Jim had been a leading aircraft vulnerability analyst in government and industry, and the small business was founded to provide its customers with specialized survivability services—hence, the name SURVICE. It didn’t take long, however, for the company to outgrow its first office and expand its capabilities in many areas of air, ground, and sea system support.

July 1981
SURVICE Is Founded by Jim Foulk
Engineer Jim Foulk leaves his job at Science Applications Inc. to build his own vulnerability business – SURVICE Associates. Within a few months, the business is incorporated and operations begin in Jim’s basement on Wheel Road, Bel Air, MD.

January 1982
SURVICE Hires First Non-Foulk Employee
Airframe designer and helicopter vulnerability expert Dave Fansler joins the “basement operation” as SURVICE’s first non-Foulk employee, shortly after Jim’s wife Nancy Foulk joins the company.

June 1983
SURVICE Opens First Official Operation
SURVICE moves from Jim’s basement to an office building on Pennsylvania Avenue, Bel Air, MD. Later that year, Jim’s son Jeff joins the business.

December 1984
SURVICE Awarded First Major Contract
Partnered with Booz Allen Hamilton, SURVICE is awarded the Survivability/Vulnerability Information Analysis Center (SURVIAC) contract, one of the largest defense contracts ever managed from the Dayton, OH, area.

April 1985
Nancy Foulk Takes Over Managing SURVICE Engineering
In support of the new SURVIAC contract, Jim Foulk leaves SURVICE to become Deputy SURVIAC Manager for Booz Allen Hamilton in Dayton, OH. He promotes his wife Nancy to replace him as president of SURVICE.

January 1988
SURVICE Wins First Major Contract as Prime
SURVICE wins its first major prime contract to conduct vulnerability research and development for ground vehicles at the U.S. Army Ballistics Research Laboratory (BRL), Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. Later that year, SURVICE acquires the rights to develop and market an interactive vulnerability assessment model, called IVAMOD, which was developed to assess target vulnerability quickly and accurately.

February 1989
SURVICE Moves to Cranberry Run
SURVICE moves its operation from Bel Air, MD, to a business center on Cranberry Run in Aberdeen, MD. Later that year, it wins the JTCG/ME contract, the largest thus far for the company.

October 1991
SURVICE Establishes SURVIAC Aberdeen Satellite Office
After winning a new SURVIAC contract the previous year, SURVICE establishes a satellite office in Aberdeen, MD.

January 1992
SURVICE Begins First Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Project
After starting this project, SURVICE goes on to support a number of SBIR and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) activities. As a prime, the company supported 34 Phase I’s and 14 Phase II’s. Through these programs, a number of novel solutions were developed – Enhanced-CLR, Interactive Collection and Reporting System (I-CARS), Lightweight Composite Driveshaft, Composite Electronic Enclosure, and the Advanced Fuel Containment System.

July 1998
SURVICE Establishes New Dayton Office
SURVICE establishes a new office in Dayton, OH. The office continues to provide support to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base tenants and customers alike. As the second oldest operation, Dayton has grown to possess a number of specialized capabilities to include vulnerability, susceptibility, survivability, ballistics, high-energy laser, fire modeling and testing, modeling and simulation, live fire test and evaluation, research and development, software development, design analysis, and trade study optimization.

January 2001
SURVICE Relocates to New Belcamp Facility and Opens California Office
SURVICE relocates and upgrades its Aberdeen office to a brand new facility in Belcamp, MD. At the prior location of an old soldier shoe factory called Bata, a new corporate park was constructed just miles from Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. That same year, the company establishes a new office in Ridgecrest, CA, to focus on supporting efforts at the U.S. Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division at China Lake.

January 2005
SURVICE Opens Two More Offices in Florida and Maryland
SURVICE opens its Valparaiso, FL (now Fort Walton Beach), and Lexington Park, MD, offices supporting Eglin Air Force Base and the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division and Naval Air Systems Command, respectively.

June 2007
SURVICE Opens Corporate Offices
Just a few feet from its Aberdeen Area Operation office, SURVICE opens its corporate office in Belcamp, MD.

May 2008
SURVICE Acquires Accurex Measurement, Inc.
SURVICE acquires the dimensional Metrology Measurement Services Division of Pennsylvania-based Accurex Measurement, Inc., providing a full range of metrology equipment and services to its Metrology Department.

April 2009
SURVICE Creates Its Applied Technology Operation
SURVICE creates its Applied Technology Operation, which focuses on leading-edge research and development across engineering disciplines by tapping into the company’s extensive science and technology bench and collaborating with industry, academic, and government partners to develop disruptive next-generation technologies.

June 2009
SURVICE Acquires Physics, Mathematics, and Computers (PMC), Inc.
SURVICE acquires PMC, Inc., in Socorro, NM, which specializes in scientific software—specifically, the simulation of weapon effects and development of survivability/vulnerability (S/V) simulations. The PMC acquisition enhanced the company’s existing S/V modeling and simulation and software engineering capabilities.

October 2011
SURVICE Establishes New Office in Virginia
SURVICE establishes a new office in Woodbridge, VA. Since then, the office has relocated to the Dumfries area but continues to provide support to various U.S. Marine Corps and Joint Service customers.

October 2011
SURVICE Establishes Michigan Office
SURVICE establishes its Warren, MI, office, which has since relocated to the Troy area but remains focused on supporting the Tank-automotive and Armaments Command and the Combat Capabilities Development Command (formerly known as TARDEC).

November 2013
SURVICE Moves Into Its New Corporate Headquarters in Belcamp, MD
SURVICE opens its new corporate office on the second floor of the Water’s Edge Event Center in Belcamp, MD. The office is now located at 4687 Millennium Drive, which is directly behind the company’s previous office and right next to its Aberdeen Area Operation building.

December 2018
SURVICE Reopens New Mexico Office
SURVICE opens a new office in Albuquerque, NM. The new location put the company closer to its Kirtland Air Force Base customers, including the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory Directed Energy Directorate and Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center.

March 2020
SURVICE Opens New Drone Research Facility
SURVICE officially opens its new Drone Research Facility in Aldino, MD. The new facility houses the company’s Applied Technology Operation and supports the development and testing of the latest in unmanned multirotor platforms and integration of custom payloads and autonomous technologies and advanced prototyping capabilities, including custom electronics, high-performance computing, and the latest in virtual reality and augmented reality visualization. While specifically targeting tactical applications supporting the U.S. Department of Defense, many of the developed and integrated technologies range from military to commercial applications.